Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
endophytic growth : fungal infection of internal plant tissues
without the development of symptoms.
mosaic : patchy variation of normal green colour of leaves. A
common symptom of virus infection in plants.
epidemic : a widespread and severe outbreak of an infectious disease.
mottle : an irregular pattern of light and dark green areas.
fruiting body : a general term for spore-bearing structures of fungi.
mummify : to dry and shrivel. A mummy is a dried and shrivelled
fumigant : a toxic gas or volatile substance used to control pests in a
certain area.
mycelium(-elia) : the mass of individual threads or hyphae that
make up the body of a fungus.
fungicide : a chemical compound that kills or inhibits fungi. A
protectant fungicide provides a protective chemical barrier over the
host surface and prevents initial infection. An eradicant fungicide
kills fungal pathogens growing within the host and so has a curative
effect. Eradicant fungicides are often absorbed and transported
within the plant.
mycoplasma : an organism similar to a bacterium but variable in
shape and lacking a rigid cell wall.
necrosis (adj. necrotic) : death of plant cells and tissues, usually
accompanied by discolouration of the affected area.
nematicide : a chemical compound that kills or inhibits nematodes.
fungus(-gi) : a class of organisms lacking chlorophyll and having
individual strands (hyphae) aggregated into mycelium. Some cause
plant diseases.
nematode : small, wormlike animals that are parasitic on plants,
other animals or free-living in soil or water.
gall : a swelling or outgrowth produced on a plant as a result of
attack by pathogens or insects.
nucellar seedling : seedling that originates from an unfertilised cell
within the nucellus and is therefore identical to the parent (e.g.
nucellar citrus seedling).
greenlife : fresh storage life of fruit.
obligate pathogen : an organism that can obtain food only from
living host plants.
gummosis or gumming : production of gum by a plant as a result of
a disease or disorder.
oomycete : a fungus-like organism that produces oospores; a water
host plant : a plant that is invaded by a pathogen and from which the
pathogen obtains nutrients.
oospore : thick-walled resting spore formed during sexual
reproduction in some fungi.
host range : the various kinds of plants attacked by a certain
parasite : an organism living in or on another living organism and
obtaining its food from the latter.
hypha(-ae) : one of the threads of a fungal mycelium.
imperfect state : see anamorph.
pathogen : a parasite able to cause disease in a host. The major plant
pathogens are fungi, bacteria, nematodes and viruses.
infection : the establishment of a pathogen within a host plant.
inoculum : pathogen or pathogen parts capable of infecting a host
plant. Examples include fungal spores, bacterial cells and virus
pathogenicity : the ability of a pathogen to cause disease.
pathovar (pv.) : in bacteria, a subspecies or group of strains that can
infect only plants within a certain genus or species.
interveinal : lesions delimited by leaf veins.
perfect stage : see teleomorph.
latent infection : infection of a host by a pathogen without symptom
pericarp : the wall of a fruit.
perithecium(-ecia) : a microscopic, globular or f lask-shaped
structure containing sexual fungal spores.
lenticel : a minute hole or pore in the fruit or stem allowing gas
petiole : the stalk of a leaf.
lesion : a localised area of diseased tissue.
pH : symbol of a scale (0-14) used to indicate acidity or alkalinity;
0-6 indicates acidity, 7 is neutral and 8-14 indicates alkalinity.
life cycle : the successive stages in the growth and development of an
organism that occur between the appearance and reappearance of
the same stage.
phloem : food-conducting tissue of a plant.
meristem : used in relation to tissue culture plants where plant tissue
is capable of undergoing mitosis and giving rise to new cells and
phytoplasma : type of specialised bacteria, characterised by the lack
of a cell wall, that parasitise the phloem of plants.
phytosanitary practices : treatments that ensure plant material or
produce is free from pests and diseases.
monoembryonic : seeds containing a single embryo.
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