Agriculture Reference
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brown and dies. The virus spreads to the leaves in the plant
heart, causing the plant to bend sideways. Infection
eventually kills the plant so that the virus is not
transmitted to subsequent plantings.
Avoid destroying old weedy patches near young crown
plantings or fi elds with developing fruit. If this is
impossible, it may be necessary to fi rst spray the old
infected fi eld to control thrips.
If the crown is infected while still on the fruit, the fruit
dies from the top downwards. Infections can occur
through open blossoms causing the development of large,
blackened cavities in the side of the fruit.
B a r t o l o m e w D , P a u l l R E & R o h r b a c h K ( E d s ) ( 2 0 0 2 ) The pineapple:
botany, production and uses . CABI Publishing: Wallingford.
Broadley RH, Wassman RC & Sinclair E (Eds) (1992) Pineapple pests
and disorders. Department of Primary Industries: Brisbane,
Queensland, Information Series Q192 033.
Source of infection and spread
The viruses are transmitted to pineapple plants by small
f lying insects (thrips). Infection occurs mostly on plants
during early growth, and crowns on developing fruit are
occassionally infected. As infection is always fatal,
vegetative propagation does not spread the virus to
subsequent plantings. Tospoviruses have a wide range of
hosts among weed and crop plants.
G a m b l e y C F , S t e e l e V , G e e r i n g A D W & T h o m a s J E ( 2 0 0 8 ) T h e
genetic diversity of ampeloviruses in Australian pineapples and their
association with mealybug wilt disease. Australasian Plant Pathology
37 , 9 5 - 1 0 5 .
P y C , L a c o e u i l h e J & T e i s s o n C ( 1 9 8 7 ) The pineapple: cultivation and
uses. Maisonneuve & Larose: Paris.
The disease is rarely seen in Queensland.
R of h r b a c h K G & S c h m i t t D ( 2 0 0 3 ) D i s e a s e s of f p i n e a p p l e . I n Diseases
of tropical fruit crops. (Ed. RC Ploetz). CABI Publishing: Wallingford.
Stirling GR and Patterson AB (2008) Beyond chemical dependency
for managing plant-parasitic nematodes: examples from the banana,
pineapple and vegetable industries of tropical and sub-tropical
Australia. Australasian Plant Pathology 37 , 2 5 4 - 2 6 7 .
Keep the plantation free from weeds.
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