Agriculture Reference
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Shell bark is rarely seen, because viroid-free propagating
material has become available from the Auscitrus budwood
scheme. Most old-line Villa Franca, Lisbon and Eureka
lemons are affected, but not the nucellar budlines
distributed by Auscitrus.
B a r k l e y P ( 2 0 0 4 ) Citrus diseases and disorders (2nd edn). NSW
Agriculture: Camden, NSW.
B e a t t i e B B , M c G l a s s o n W B & W a d e N L ( E d s ) ( 1 9 8 9 ) Post harvest
diseases of horticultural produce: Volume 1 Temperate fruit . CSIRO
Publications: Melbourne.
Citrus fact sheet series. NSW Department of Primary Industries. .
Plant trees from nurseries that use viroid-free planting
material obtained from Auscitrus.
T i m m e r L W & D u n c a n L W ( E d s ) ( 1 9 9 9 ) Citrus health management .
A P S P r e s s : S t P a u l , M i n n e s of t a .
Prune trees heavily to aid temporary recovery; however,
do not prune until after the active shelling phase or until
new bark has regenerated.
Timmer LW, Garnsey SM & Broadbent P (2003) Diseases of citrus.
In Diseases of tropical fruit crops . (Ed. RC Ploetz ) pp. 163 - 196 . CABI
Publishing: Wallingford.
Decontaminate pruning and hedging equipment.
T i m m e r L W , G a r n s e y S M & G r a h a m J H ( E d s ) ( 2 0 0 0 ) Compendium
of citrus diseases . (2nd edn). APS Press: St Paul, Minnesota.
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