Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
The disease is generally of minor importance in Lady finger
and Cavendish cultivars in Queensland, but occurs more
frequently in the less common cultivars. Ducasse plants
are usually infected.
Use plants from tissue culture screened for Banana
mild mosaic virus . Usually, however, management is not
Fig 5.59 Mosaic pattern caused by the Cucumber mosaic virus
(infectious chlorosis).
A yellow streaking or mosaic pattern on the leaves develops,
often with a curling of the margins. Rotting of heart leaves
and the centre of the pseudostem may occur in cool weather.
Source of infection and spread
The virus has a very wide host range, including many
weeds, from which it spreads to bananas by aphids. Spread
between banana plants is limited. The disease may also
be introduced in planting material.
Fig 5.60 Mosaic symptoms caused by Banana mild mosaic virus .
This is a minor disease in Queensland and management
is usually not warranted.
Use tissue culture plants screened for Cucumber mosaic
virus .
Banana mild mosaic virus .
Plants are often symptomlessly infected. Transient
chlorotic mosaic and streaks, parallel to the veins, may
occur on the leaves, especially on young plants.
Source of infection and spread
The primary means of spread appears to be infected
planting material, both conventional bits and suckers, and
in tissue culture. Insect vectors or other plant hosts have
not been identified.
Fig 5.61 Mosaic symptoms caused by Banana mild mosaic virus.
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