Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Camping on the trail is mostly a DIY thing (there are few established sites on trails).
Some forest recreation areas and national parks forbid it at lower elevations. Water
sources are usually available but should be treated first.
Public transport (usually bus) is available to the majority of lower-altitude trails.
High-Mountain Trails (Above 3000m)
Taiwan has some genuinely world-class high-mountain hikes and anyone in decent shape
can conquer them. Few demand any technical skills (in part because rougher sections
already have ropes and ladders in place), but many routes are closed in the winter months
or require a certified leader. You need to apply in advance for permits for most high-
mountain trails.
Trails are generally clear of overgrowth, have good bridges over streams and have fre-
quent distance and direction markers. However, landslides and washouts of sections are
very common so always be prepared for a bit of scrambling. For sleeping there are usu-
ally sturdy un-manned cabins and campgrounds.
Paths generally begin in a dense mixed forest that turns coniferous higher up. The
treeline ends around 3300m to 3600m. After this, short Yushan cane spreads across the
highlands until the very highest elevations. Alpine lakes are surprisingly rare. High-alti-
tude terrain tends to be strikingly rugged with deep V-shaped valleys and steeply sloped
mountain ranges. Long exposed ridgelines are common obstacles to cross.
Some excellent hikes include the Yushan Peaks, Snow Mountain, the Holy Ridge, the
Batongguan Historic Trail, Jiaming Lake, Hehuanshan, Dabajianshan and Beidawushan.
What to Pack
» Wet- and cold-weather gear is essential even in summer. Because of altitude gains of
2000m to 3000m, most hikes take you through a range of climatic conditions. Temperat-
ures can get down close to zero even in summer, and in autumn and winter to minus 10 at
» All the food and snacks you will need and cooking gear.
» Walking stick. Trails are steep and these help with balance and to spread the weight of
a pack.
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