Biology Reference
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5. Marquis RJ: Leaf herbivores decrease fitness of a tropical plant. Science 1984,
6. Allison TD: The influence of deer browsing on the reporductive biology of
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7. Louda SM, Potvin MA: Effect of inflorescence-feeding insects on the demogra-
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8. Ross BA, Bray JR, Marshall WH: Effects of long-term deer exclosure on a Pinus
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9. Davidson DA: The effects of herbivory and granivory on terrestrial plant succes-
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10. Erneberg M: Effects of herbivory and competition on an introduced plant in
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11. Russell FL, Zippin DB, Fowler NL: Effects of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus
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12. McShea WJ, Underwood HB, Rappole JH, eds: The science of overabundance:
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13. Inouye RS, Allison TD, Johnson NC: Old field succession on a Minnesota sand
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14. Shelton AL, Inouye RS: Effect of browsing by deer on the growth and reproduc-
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15. Ritchie ME, Tilman D: Responses of legumes to herbivores and nutrients dur-
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16. Paige KN: Overcompensation in response to mammalian herbivory: From mu-
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18. Ehrlen J: Ultimate fucntions of non-fruiting flowers in Lathyrus vernus. Oikos
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19. Ehrlen J: Proximate limits to seed production in a herbaceous perennial legume,
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