Biology Reference
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17. Olesen JM, Jordano P (2002) Geographic patterns in plant-pollinator mutual-
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18. Jordano P, Bascompte J, Olesen JM (2003) Invariant properties in coevolution-
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19. Bascompte J, Jordano P, Melian CJ, Olesen JM (2003) The nested assembly of
plant-animal mutualistic networks. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 100: 9383-9387.
20. Vázquez DP, Aizen MA (2004) Asymmetric specialization: A pervasive feature of
plant-pollinator interactions. Ecology 85: 1251-1257.
21. Memmott J, Waser NM, Price MV (2004) Tolerance of pollination networks to
species extinctions. Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 271: 2605-2611.
22. Ashworth L, Aguilar R, Galetto L, Aizen MA (2004) Why do pollination gen-
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23. Aizen MA, Feinsinger P (1994) Forest fragmentation, pollination, and plant
reproduction in a chaco dry forest, Argentina. Ecology 75: 330-351.
24. Vázquez DP, Simberloff D (2002) Ecological specialization and susceptibility to
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25. Kondoh M (2003) Foraging adaptation and the relationship between food-web
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26. Austin MP, Fresco LFM, Nicholls AO, Groves RH, Kaye PE (1998) Competi-
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27. Ciais P, Reichstein M, Viovy N, Granier A, Ogee J, et al. (2005) Europe-wide
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28. Motten AF, Campbell DR, Alexander DE, Miller HL (1981) Pollination effec-
tiveness of specialist and generalist visitors to a North Carolina population of
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29. Thostesen AM, Olesen JM (1996) Pollen removal and deposition by specialist
and generalist bumblebees in Aconitum septentrionale. Oikos 77: 77-84.
30. Kremen C, Williams NM, Bugg RL, Fay JP, Thorp RW (2004) The area require-
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California. Ecol Lett 7: 1109-1119.
31. Vázquez DP, Aizen MA (2003) Null model analyses of specialization in plant-
pollinator interactions. Ecology 84: 2493-2501.
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