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For the analysis of plant recruitment, we used a repeated measure ANOVA
model (SAS proc mixed). The fixed effects were pollination treatment, plant treat-
ment, year, and all the interaction terms. The repeated effect was year, and the
subject effect was replicate. For recruitment density, data were log transformed.
For each year of the experiment, the visitation rate of pollinators on each plant
species in the communities with both plant functional groups was analysed using
a mixed log-linear model (glimix macro, SAS). We subdivided the pollination
treatment into two effects: pollinator functional diversity (one or two pollina-
tor functional groups) and identity of the pollinator functional group (bumble
bees or syrphids). The model included pollinator species nested within identity of
pollinator functional groups, plant species nested within identity of plant func-
tional group, identity of pollinator functional groups, identity of plant functional
groups, pollinator functional diversity, and all interaction terms. The replicate was
a random effect.
We thank Carine Collin, Romain Gallet, Jean-Francois le Galliard, Jacques
Gignoux, Andy Gonzalez, GĂ©rard Lacroix, Gaelle Lahoreau, Louis Lambrecht,
Manuel Massot, Naoise Nunan, Virginie Tavernier, and Elisa Thebault for useful
discussions; and Marco Banchi, Yves Bas, Mathilde Baude, Alix Boulouis, Marion
Decoust, Patricia Genet, Alexandra Kabadajic, Mohsen Kayal, Fanny Marlin, and
Emilie Patural for great help in the field and in the lab. We also thank Andy
Gonzalez, Andy Hector, Marcel van der Heijden, Claire Kremen, Jane Memmott,
Nick Waser, and three anonymous reviewers for constructive and useful com-
ments on the manuscript. We acknowledge the financial support of the Quantita-
tive Ecology Coordinated Incentive Action (ACI Ecologie Quantitative) of the
Ministry of Research (France).
Authors' Contributions
CF and ID designed the experiment. CF, ID, and JM performed the experiment.
CF analysed the data. CF, ID, and ML conceived the work and wrote the paper.
1. Loreau M, Naeem S, Inchausti P, Bengtsson J, Grime JP, et al. (2001) Biodi-
versity and ecosystem functioning: Current knowledge and future challenges.
Science 294: 804-808.
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