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that MYB21 was overexpressed in the transgenic plants in the opr3 background
(Figure 9A). We found that overexpression of MYB21 could restore the stamen
filament growth (Figure 9B) and restore the fertility (Figure 9C and 9D) to the
opr3 mutant partially. Together with the fact that loss of function of four DELLA
(GAI, RGA, RGL1 and RGL2) could not restore the fertility and filament elonga-
tion to the coil1 mutant, we have now provided strong evidence to show that GAs
act through JA to control expression of the MYBs and promote stamen filament
Figure 8. MYB21, MYB24, and MYB57 Are Necessary but Insufficient to Complete the Normal Stamen
Filament Development.
Pictures are shown to compare the stamen phenotype in JA or GA repeatedly treated ga1-3 gai-t6 rga-t2 rgl1-1
(Q3) and opr3 plants with respective untreated controls.
Figure 9. Overexpression of MYB21 Rescues the Stamen Filament Growth and Fertility to the opr3 Mutant.
(A) RT-PCR analysis of MYB21 and OPR3 gene expression in WT, opr3 and opr3 MYB21OE-1. Total RNA
was extracted from the young flower buds. ACTIN was used as the normalization control. (B) Comparison of
the flowers at stage 14 in different genotypes. The flower in opr3 MYB21OE-1 shows elongated filament than
that in opr3. (C and D) Comparison of seed set in different genotypes as shown (C) and of plant growth of
WT (Col-0) (50 days old), opr3 (50 days old) and opr3 MYB21OE-1. The third plant from left was an opr3
MYB21OE-1 plant with primary shoot (50 days old) whereas the last plant was a 60-day-old opr3 MYB21OE-1
with axillary shoots after its primary influence has been removed earlier. White arrows highlight siliques with
seed set, red arrows highlight sterile siliques.
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