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Authors' Contributions
UG conceived of and supervised the project. AJJ, PM and UG designed and
interpreted the experiments. AJJ, PM, JG and MF performed the experiments.
AJJ, SEJW, ES and JDB contributed statistical and bioinformatics analyses. UG
contributed reagents and materials. AJJ and UG wrote the paper.
The microarray experiment was carried out in the microarray facility at the Func-
tional Genomics Centre, Univeristy of Zürich. We are indebted to Andrea Patri-
gnani, Ulrich Wagner, and Kathrin Michel (University of Zürich) for help during
microarray experiments and data analyses. We acknowledge Venkatesan Sundare-
san (University of California, Davis) for provision of spl microarray data. We
thank the Arabidopsis Stock Centres in Nottingham (NASC) and Ohio (ABRC)
for providing seeds of SALK, SAIL (Syngenta), and Spm (JIC) insertional mu-
tants; Jean-Philippe Vielle-Clazada (CINVESTAV-Irapuato) for the initial isola-
tion of coa; and Arturo Bolaños (University of Zürich) for help with plant care.
Special thanks are due to Ian Furner (University of Cambridge), Wolf B Frommer
(Carnegie Institute), and Takashi Aoyama (Kyoto University) for provision of the
seeds of GT1724 (hog1-4), PUP3-GUS and CyclinA2;4-GUS, respectively. We
are grateful to Sharon Kessler (University of Zürich) for critical reading of this
manuscript. JDB was supported by a fellowship SFRH/BPD/3619/2000 from
Fundacão para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal. This project was supported by
the University of Zürich, and grants of the Swiss National Science Foundation
and the 'Stiftung für wissenschaftliche Forschung' to UG.
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