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Fig. 14 Use of two different DNA duplexes with inserted cytosine loops working as synthetic
scaffolds to generate fluorescent silver clusters for the identification of the sickle cell anemia gene
mutation ( black dots represent hydrogen bonds formed in base pairing and black dashed lines the
sugar-phosphate backbone) [ 74 ]
The duplex with the normal HBB gene has one hydrogen-bonded base pair more
than the duplex with the mutated HBB gene, and therefore the first duplex has more
double-helical region. The single-nucleotide mismatch has a significant effect on
the structure of the duplexes, which in turn strongly influences the local environ-
ment where the clusters could form.
5.3 Wavelength-Shifting
Silver clusters change color while sensing their surroundings [ 20 , 75 ]. Ras et al.
have demonstrated that the absorption and emission bands of silver clusters are
tunable by changing the chemical environment, such as solvent (Fig. 15 ) or the
relative amount of silver ions (Fig. 12 )[ 20 ]. In Fig. 15b is shown a photograph of
the clusters in a series of water-methanol mixtures. Figure 15c shows the fluores-
cence of the same samples under UV illumination. The absorption and emission
spectra clearly demonstrate a large solvatochromic shift without significant broad-
ening of the spectral bands (Fig. 15d , e). The principles behind the wavelength shift
are not yet known. The wavelength-shifting of plasmonic metal nanoparticles forms
the basis of localized surface plasmon resonance sensing, a technology which is
useful in detecting single molecules of chemical and biological relevance [ 76 ].
Analogously, we expect that wavelength-shifting of the fluorescent silver clusters
may lead to applications for molecular sensing.
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