Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Software (geographic information system) must be chosen with regard to the
requirements of the final cartographic works (e.g. vector or raster processing,
demands on computing capacity). It is necessary to subordinate the functionality
of the software to the needs of resulting cartographic work and its visualization
methods, not the other way around. Specifics of atlas cartography are like in other
aspects—increased performance requirements.
Historical aspect involves influencing of contemporary cartographic production
by old traditions and practices, such as map key established by usage (for example
in Czech forestry maps) or the selected methods of cartographic representation (for
example climate zones). For most of cartographic works that are currently
published, the historical aspect has minor importance. An important factor is the
cartographic education provided in primary school and cartographic education of
cartographers, which is also subject dealing with historical context.
Analysis of the historic aspect and the evaluation of case study has led to the
following information: historical aspect is perceived subjectively and does not
affect users and creators in the same way; aspect is seen more as a marginal for
users and more as significant for creators and producers of cartographic works; the
most important for all groups of respondents is the tradition of cartographic
methods used in past decades and education and training in schools; it is not
necessary needed to confirm the assumptions that experts predict, that in the future
the development of new technologies must necessarily mean the transition from
printed atlas creation to the creation of digital atlases.
Specifics of atlas production are significant in Czech cartography, for example in
the field of school atlases the previous user experience and a tradition are an
important factor in their production. In the case of thematic scientific works have
often affect the newly created works such as the fact that in the past were designed
themes satin processing implemented (newly created work may include a compar-
ison, methods of cartographic visualization and data processing can be inspired by
the theme of the original processing) or not (satin work is newly created, it is
necessary to design a completely new concept).
Legislative aspect is the collection of all legislative measures that affect indi-
vidual processes within the cartographic production. It is all about protecting
intellectual property rights (copyright), proprietary rights to the cartographic
works and their components. Aspect involves a method of acquisition and data
handling software and hardware equipment, the presentation of data outputs and
cartographic products, their distribution and last but not least their protection.
Legislative aspect significantly affects Czech cartographic production in many
respects; it is mainly a copyright legal issue, such as the availability of data and the
possibility of their use, the possibility of cartographic work protection, etc.
Recommendations for cartographers are never do not disclose or reuse the work
of another author in the original or modified form, if not obtained written consent
(it means all products of cartography and geoinformatics—maps, figures, tables,
data link layer, or any adaptation). It is also important to study in detail the licensing
and condition terms of use of each used work. Although the use of some carto-
graphic works is enabled by licenses such as Creative Commons, it still must follow
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