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Fig. 2 Accumulated surface wash-down analyses ( up ), places (contact of analyzed surface wash
down and build-up area) shown in the map after the flood event in 2009 ( down )
down of the adjacent land plots form a part of the graphical outputs. Lastly, the
maps of evacuation points and detour routes are also available in the graphical
This article compares the organizational and project structures of the flood
management documentation at local levels between Scotland and the CR,
especially the extent of implementation of geoinformatics in the documenta-
tion. Both countries approach this issue at local levels in conceptionally
different ways. In the CR, the local flood management plans are created by
private subjects and the extent of GIS implementation is considerably vari-
able. All the plans do respect the legal and industrial standards for the creation
of such documentation, nevertheless, specific ways of implementation of
geoinformatics into these documents is not clearly delineated. The POVIS
system plays the role of the standard system in the CR. However, this system
incorporates the local plans just as the textual and informational sources. The
graphical outputs of the local plans would be necessary to get standardized in
the way enabling for them to be included in this national geodatabase which
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