Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
also generalizes, but only the ground plans of the buildings. We can clearly see the
individual buildings there. In the centre of the locality there is a symbol of cutlery,
suggesting there used to be a restaurant. The same symbol is located on the border
of this a previous locality. There is also a symbol “VB” and an envelope at the same
point, so we can assume there was a police station, a post office and a restaurant.
The present map displays these important buildings: garages, kindergarten,
elementary school and secondary school of gastronomy.
Identification of Symbols with the Help of Numbers (Only Maps 1899,
1910, 1932 and 1939)
In this locality there are not displayed any numbers identifying map symbols.
Planned Changes
On the map from 1939 we can see a dashed line oval symbol in the western part of
the locality, which could symbolize a planned running oval track or a sports ground.
This assumption cannot be supported by the map from 1943 due to its generaliza-
tion. On the map from 1981 and the present map there is a symbol of a sports
ground, but it is located further to the west.
Interesting Features
With the map from 1932 it can be assumed that the housing development in the
studied locality does not come from the centre of Liberec, but it is the outskirts of
Star ´ Harcov (Alt Harzdorf), which expands towards the centre of Liberec. Except
for a few symbols of buildings and slightly more advanced street network, this
situation is almost identical to the situation on the map from 1939. Here, however,
the “Harcov” hypothesis does not correspond with the city borders, which place the
studied locality inside the town of Liberec.
Historical Analysis of the Locality
There are two aspects of the locality of Kr´l˚vH´j, the youngest, but very varied area.
The first aspect is the residential villa area, brick houses and sports ground. According
to Karpaˇ ( 2004 ), the residential villa area dates back into mid 1920s of the twentieth
century, the sports ground before 1928. The construction from the northern side of the
slope reached the top by the end of the 1930s. According to Rous ( 2011 ), the housing
estate called Heimst¨tte—Domov was built between the middle of 1939 and 1941. It
consists of 15 residential houses no. 325-330 and 332-340, grouped into eight blocks.
They were most likely built by the Roma, who were concentrated in several concen-
tration camps in Liberec. An interesting point is connected with the allocation of flats
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