Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
8 (“DeutschesStaatsgymnasium, Tschech. Ref. Realgymnasium”—probably Ger-
man and Czech grammar school);
22 (“Gewerbef ¨ rderungsanstalt”—translation not clear);
93 (“Kathol. Gesellenheim”—catholic asylum house displayed as an unimportant
Map 1939:
35 (“DeutschesStaats-Gymnasium”—German state grammar school);
36 (not found in the legend);
84 (“Kathol. Gesellenheim”—catholic asylum house)
85 (“DeutscheStaats-Realschule”—German state secondary school).
Planned Changes
The map from 1899 displays a planned rectangular street network grid to the north.
The planned streets are depicted by dashed lines. The only street planned in 1899
and finished in 1910 is nowadays V´tˇzn´, connecting Husova and Masarykova
streets. The map from 1932 displays the finished street network, but it differs from
the designed structure (just the rough concept is the same).
In contrast to this, the map from 1910 displays just a symbol named “proj.
Bildergallerie”, which is situated in the eastern part of the locality, quite separated
from the other buildings. The second symbol of an important building is called
“proj.k.k.Staats-Realschule” (contemporary Z ˇ Husova). Both buildings were
probably designed, which is given by the expression “proj.”.
Interesting Features
It is a locality situated on a ridge with the main street as the main axis. On the map
from 1899 there is a symbol of a field on that ridge, which is really interesting. This
means it must have been a very steep field.
Historical Analysis of the Locality
The locality of Husova Street is the most varied of all the studied localities. The
earliest construction activities started in 1904 due to necessary landscape works for
the Liberec Czech Germans exhibition in 1906. The earthworks were finished in
February. Since the height difference in the area was 45 m, 28,000 m 3 of soil and
7,000 m 3 of stones were excavated. A lot of exhibition premises were built there in
this period; they were disassembled later (Melanov´ 1996 ). The villas between
present V´tˇzn´ a Studentsk´ streets were built as permanent residences (Zeman
2011 ). There were a lot of plans with the empty space, for example a never realized
project of a gallery building (Hab ´ nov ´ 2010 ). The land was bought for nowadays
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