Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
not shown only to the north (nowadays Masarykova Street), but also to the south
(the reservoir).
On the following map from 1939 there are no remarkable changes of the street
network. The same it is with the difference between 1939 and 1942. The only
displayed change is one half of Sch¨ tze Strafseis demolished. Nowadays its
remaining part is called Bo ˇ n ´ Street.
How busy and important the streets were can be observed only with the help of
the width of the streets displayed on the maps. The map from 1981 highlights
Husova Streets with yellow colour, which means that the street is the main street.
Public transport is not marked on the maps until 1981, when a red dashed line with
numbers 15 and 19 appears, which displays the bus lines in this direction (see the
legend of the map).
Housing Development
On the map from 1899 there is only one symbol of an important building in the
studied locality. The rest of the area is covered with fields.
The map from 1910 displays symbols of housing development in the western
part of the street. There are also two symbols of important buildings planned to be
constructed in the locality (see below).
The greatest housing development of the locality is displayed on the map from
1932, where there are symbols of single buildings within the symbols of street
network. The map shows three symbols of important buildings as well. However,
the important building from 1899 to 1910 maps is missing.
When we compare the maps from 1932 to 1939, we can see slight expansion of
housing development as there are symbols of quite remarkable buildings. The map
from 1939 displays four important buildings and the building mentioned above is
marked as important again.
The maps from 1943 to 1981 are very generalized and that is why the housing
development is not recognizable. The only important building on the map from
1981 is the area of contemporary Technical university (acronym V ˇ ST).
Identification of Symbols with the Help of Numbers (Only Maps 1899,
1910, 1932 and 1939):
Map 1899:
50 (“Kath. Gesellenheim”—catholic asylum house)
Map 1910:
55 (“KatholischesGesellenheim”—catholic asylum house).
Map 1932:
9 (“DeutscheStaatsrealschule”—German state secondary school);
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