Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
As early as on the map from 1899 a symbol of the museum with the adjacent
park is recognizable. The symbol is the same on all the maps except the maps from
1943 to 1981 where the ground plan does not correspond to the graphical displays
on the previous maps. We can assume that the reason is the generalization of map
symbols in those years.
The symbol of the former baths (“Stadtbad” on the map from 1899) is not
marked with a different dark colour, so we can see that this building was not
considered significant. In contrast to this, the map from 1910 displays the symbol
of the baths in dark colour. Similarly, the symbol of the building in the western part
of the crossroads, which is first displayed on the map from 1899, was a significant
building then. In addition to this, the building was extended between 1910 and
1932, which is depicted by the longer ground plan of the symbol on the map from
1932. The building is called “Children
s Polyclinic”. The newest building—the
exhibition grounds—was probably built between 1943 and 1981.
As for the residential development, there were not many remarkable changes.
The surrounding areas were fully residentially developed in 1899.
Identification of Symbols with the Help of Numbers (Only Maps 1899,
1910, 1932 and 1939)
Map 1899:
40 (“Nordb¨hmischesGewerbe-Museum”—the North Bohemian Museum of
37 (“Handels- und Gewerbekammer”—Chamber of Trade and Industry)—the
identification number is not legible, but the building can be identified via the
orientation square G5.
Map 1910:
27 (“Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Bad”—The Baths of Franz Josef);
38 (“Handels- undGewerbekammer”—Chamber of Trade and Industry);
47 (“Nordb¨hmischesGewerbeMuseum”—the North Bohemian Museum of
Map 1932:
42 (“Bad d. Reichenberg. Sparkasse”—translation not clear);
60 (“Handels- u. Gewerbekammer”—Chamber of Trade and Industry);
66 (“Nordb¨h. Gewerbemuseum”—the North Bohemian Museum of Industry);
99 (“Theodor—K¨rner—Denkm.”—memorial of Theodor K¨rner)
Map 1939 names the buildings as follows:
31 (not mentioned in the legend);
32 (“Bad der ReichenbergerSparkassa”—translation not clear);
33 (“K¨rner-Denkmal”—memorial of Theodor K¨rner);
34 (“Nordb¨hm. Gewerbemuseum”—the North Bohemian Museum of Industry).
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