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are also clearly interpretable. Fractal dimension and Perimeter-area index
uses the same inputs (shape length and area) with the difference that Fractal
dimension index applies logarithm in calculations. Most of indexes from
Shape Metrics Toolbox are more difficult to interpret. Nevertheless, we
suggest using shape metrics whose graphs we showed in the paper,
i.e. Normalized Detour index, Normalized Perimeter index and Normalized
Spin index. Since some of shape metrics are correlated (Parent 2014 ), it is
possible to substitute one metric for another, e.g. Normalized Cohesion index
for Normalized Proximity index, and Normalized Exchange index for Nor-
malized Dispersion index. Other indexes, such as Normalized Girth index,
Normalized Depth index, Normalized Range index, Normalized Traversal
index, can be used regarding on what the user wants to show. We also
recommend using only normalized versions of metrics from Shape Metrics
Toolbox, because some indexes, when calculated in absolute numbers, do not
reflect extremities of the shape.
Shape metrics seems to be a useful tool for quantitative evaluation of
cartographic generalization along with expert knowledge. They can help to
reveal discrepancies in the process of semi-automated generalization and
identify such stages of generalization that bring unsuitable results.
Acknowledgments The article was created within the project CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0170, supported
by the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic.
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