Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Vischeck for map designers is the relatively small file sizes that can be
Color Oracle was selected to generate colour blindness simulations.
Map Evaluations
Map evaluations were undertaken using an evaluation proforma. Each map was
evaluated for their usability by the colour blind. Sample maps were generated to
simulate how colour-blind viewers would see the colours used in the maps. These
were generated using Color Oracle to simulate:
￿ Deuteranopia;
￿ Protanopia; and
￿ Tritanopia
This is done by firstly providing samples of each map: in its original form, as a
greyscale, as three colour-blindness simulations—deuteranope, protanope and
The maps evaluated were:
￿ Fire Recovery—Road, Track, and Recreation Site Status;
￿ Biodiversity Interactive Map;
￿ Fireplan;
￿ Forest Explorer Online;
￿ Interactive map;
￿ Office of Water, In Your Region;
￿ One Source One Message (OSOM) bushfire information;
￿ GPSnet Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS);
￿ Swoop magpie map;
￿ Map of the new scientific trial of Alpine grazing;
￿ Maps from the February 2009 bushfires,
including the Kilmore East—
Murrindindi complex;
￿ Planned burning operations plans;
￿ Future Coasts Digital Elevation Models;
￿ Hunting maps;
￿ Proposed Western Grasslands Reserves PDF;
￿ Topographic T7925-2-2-N;
￿ Topographic T8223-2-4-N; and
￿ Planned Burns Today, map and status of current burn locations.
All maps listed were evaluated, however, just one sample evaluation map is
shown to provide a sample. Table 1 provides a summary the evaluation for this map
(Fig. 2 and Table 2 ).
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