Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
The Evolution of Digital Cartographic
Databases (State Topographic Maps) from
the Beginnings to Cartography 2.0: The
Hungarian Experience
L ´ szl´ Zentai
The history of Hungarian digital maps can be understood only in conjunction with
other disciplines (especially with the development of information technology) and
the political changes. It is also important to present which state topographic maps
were available at that time for the users and how suitable these maps could fulfil the
requirements. The effect of the political and economic changes at the end of
1980s is most relevant concerning the situation in Hungary (the one-party commu-
nist system was replaced by a multiparty democratic social order). This period was
important both for the mapmakers and for the map users as the classification of the
state topographic maps was ended and the digital technology totally replaced the
traditional map productions techniques.
The hitherto secretive role and activities of the Army Cartographic Institute
became open. The Institute took the name of a nineteenth century Hungarian
cartographer, Agoston To´th (although the name was changed again after some
years), and even entered the market with some non-military maps.
The situation was similar in most of the so-called socialist countries of Central
and Eastern European, but the transition period was different from country to
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