Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 13
The great thing about human language is that it prevents us
from sticking to the matter at hand.
—Lewis Thomas
A computer program is an exercise in precise communication with the
computer. Human communication is far more complex. It is often said
that software developers are better at communicating with their computers
than with their colleagues and customers. Yet, good communication, with
everyone, is essential for successful functioning.
This chapter examines some of the communication aspects of software
delivery: the different objectives of communication, avoiding miscommu-
nication, the role of nonverbal communication in different stages of a
software project, the unequal distribution of information within organiza-
tions and project teams, and related behaviors such as information hiding.
The Objectives of Communication
In any software development project, considerable information is
exchanged. Communication is more than that. It works toward certain
objectives such as understanding requirements, winning an argument,
exerting influence, controlling a situation, or misleading someone else. If
such objectives are not met, then communication has not occurred.
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