Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Difficulty Moderate
Elevation Change 800ft
Start/Finish Monument Geyser Trailhead
Nearest Town/Junction Norris
Summary A steep but rewarding climb to a little-visited thermal feature, with fine views
over Gibbon Meadows.
The semidormant chimneylike cones of Monument Geyser Basin are among the park's
tallest. There's limited thermal action here these days (no geysers or spouters), but you'll
likely have them all to yourself.
The short but steep hike follows the Gibbon River for 0.5 miles, then heads steeply up-
hill for another 0.5 miles, offering fine views of Gibbon Meadows and Mt Holmes en
route. The most prominent feature in the bleached basin is Monument Geyser (also
known as Thermos Bottle Geyser), which still lets off steam, unlike the other cones,
which have sealed themselves up over the centuries. Budget around 45 minutes up, half an
hour down and 30 minutes to explore the minor springs and fumaroles.
Geyser Country
Even the short hikes described here will get you away from the crowds at Old Faithful to
some spectacular backcountry waterfalls and geysers.
Mystic Falls & Biscuit Basin
Duration 1½-2 hours
Distance 3.5-mile loop
Difficulty Easy
Elevation Change 700ft
Start/Finish Biscuit Basin (OK4; Click here )
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