Civil Engineering Reference
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Fig. 1.2 The Warco WM 16 milling machine can also be supplied for bench mounting.
A typical vertical milling machine will be much smaller than the Bridgeport
milling machine and can often be moved by two people, possibly assisted by
an engine crane if it is a larger mill. It is usually possible to split the milling
machine into two parts: the base unit complete with the machine's table, and
the column with the head and motor assembly combined. When you have lif-
ted the base onto the bench or machine stand, you can then add the column
and head.
Alsoavailablearemuchsmallerturret millsthantheBridgeport, often called
VMCs (vertical machining centres). On a turret milling machine the head can
usually be twisted to the right and left and rotated around the column, but it
cannot usually be tilted forwards and backwards.
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