Civil Engineering Reference
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position and set zero. Set incremental zero. Drill the holes in the first com-
ponent using incremental co-ordinates. Change back to absolute and move
to the next component. Change back to incremental and drill the second com-
ponent, back to absolute and move to the next component and drill using in-
cremental and so on until all the components are done. This is a very quick
method of drilling multiple components accurately.
Other functions
Some readouts have other functions built in, such as a trigonometric calcu-
lator, and they can show you the co-ordinates for setting out holes on a pitch
circle diameter (PCD) for things such as bolt holes. They can show the co-or-
dinates of an oblique line of holes on an angle and also show the co-ordinates
for contour milling an arc or radius. Other useful functions are a 99-position
memory for production work and a centre-finding position where you can di-
vide a measurement by two. This is actually the specification of a simple bot-
tom of the range digital readout so, as you can see, a digital readout is a
very useful piece of equipment to have in the home workshop. I would not be
without mine.
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