Chemistry Reference
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Fig. 3 Alignment tensor orientations relative to the ribbon backbone structure of GB3 for
six mutants, all in liquid-crystalline Pf 1 medium. The six tensors are for A - K19AD47K; B -
K19ED40N; C - K19EK4A-C-His-tag; D - K19EK4A-N-His-tag; E - K19AT11K; F - K19EK4A.
Diagonalized tensor elements, Dxx ( red ), Dyy ( green ), and Dzz ( blue ) have magnitudes propor-
tional to the length of the corresponding lines. (Reprinted with permission from [ 30 ])
Fig. 4 Experimental order parameters, S , of NH bond vectors in GB3 derived from iterative
Direct Interpretation of Dipolar Couplings (DIDC) using all six sets of RDCs. The red line marks
the order parameters derived from 15 N relaxation. Filled symbols represent residues for which the
fully anisotropic model was required to get a satisfactory fit to the data, while, for open symbols ,
the isotropic internal motion model was able to fit the RDCs to within the experimental noise.
(Reprinted with permission from [ 41 ])
generally complementary to RDCs [ 42 - 44 ]. The solvent used in the isotropic protein
sample usually differs from that in the anisotropic sample. This can introduce errors in
measuring both dipolar couplings and chemical shift differences. Such error may be
below the measurement accuracy for RDCs, on the order of 0.1-1 Hz. However,
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