Chemistry Reference
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Fig. 6 Comparison of retinal protonated Schiff base chemical shifts in rhodopsin different photocycle states. The chemical structure of retinal chromophore in
11- cis (a) and all- trans configuration (b). Chemical shifts of the retinal atoms in ground state, and Batho-, Meta I, and Meta II intermediate states (c) and a
schematic drawing of the retinal binding pocket containing all residues within 4 ˚ to the retinal and Lys296 (d). The chemical shifts are adapted from the
following references: [ 146 - 148 ]( black ); [ 14 ]( blue ); [ 149 - 151 ]( green ); and [ 17 , 145 ]( red ). (d) is adapted from [ 188 ] with permission from the Elsevier B.V
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