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3.2 Bicelles
Avoiding some of the potential problems associated with micellar detergents, small
isotropic bicelles have increasingly been used for solution NMR of membrane
proteins (reviewed in [ 172 - 174 ]). These are formed by mixtures of up to a fivefold
molar excess of short-chain lipid (e.g., C 6 -DHPC) or detergent (e.g., CHAPS) over
long-chain lipid (e.g., DMPC, DOPC) [ 175 , 176 ]. The composition of a bicelle is
most accurately described by q , the molar ratio of lipid and bicellar detergent
(i.e., [detergent] bicelle ¼
[detergent] total - cmc) [ 112 ], which for small isotropic
bicelles is typically in the range of 0.25-0.5. It has been shown that bicelles with
this range of q values have a disk-shaped morphology, containing a distinct lipid
bilayer phase and edges coated by a more mobile detergent phase (Fig. 3 )[ 177 - 179 ].
The size of the protein-free small bicelle depends on q , and can be comparable to the
size of commonly used detergent micelles (e.g., ~22 kDa for q
0.15 [ 180 ]).
However, spectra obtained for proteins reconstituted in bicelles have generally
shown broader peaks than those for the same sample in a micelle [ 40 , 137 , 181 ,
182 ], with the larger complex size for the bicelle-protein complex contributing to
this broadening. Yet in some cases only a bicelle environment could uniquely confer
a functionally folded, spectrally homogeneous sample (e.g., the small multidrug
resistance pump (Smr) [ 183 ]). A bicelle formulation mimicking physiological
membrane compositions was also found to be instrumental for structure determina-
tion of the weakly interacting integrin
3 TM-heterodimer [ 184 ], a complex that
was not supported by DPC micelles [ 185 ].
In contrast with micelles, the introduction of proteins into bicelles may require
an additional optimization step, since there are a few different approaches that can
be used [ 186 , 187 ]. However, most membrane proteins that have been reconstituted
into small isotropic bicelles for solution NMR could be prepared in solvent-free
Fig. 3 Schematic diagram showing the general structure of various membrane mimetic systems
used for solution NMR studies of membrane proteins. One TM segment is shown embedded in
(a) a micelle, (b) a bicelle, (c) a nanodisc, (d) reverse micelles, and (e) amphipols. Polar detergent
or lipid headgroups are represented by spheres , with hydrophobic acyl chains as straight lines .
The MSPs surrounding the periphery of the nanodisc are shown as gray rods , and co-surfactants or
co-solvents that stabilize reverse micelles are shown as triangles . Two amphipols are shown
surrounding the TM segment in (e), with the polar blocks ( gray ) connected to hydrophobic blocks
( lines ) that interact with the protein
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