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contribution to R 1 r . For this purpose, a strong B 1 field strength, which makes
to 90 , is employed.
Limitations of applicable B 1 field strength and the rf duty cycle depend on
individual probes. In general, at
15 N resonance frequency at 61 MHz, we recom-
g N B 1 /2
p >
mend that a spin lock field
2 kHz be applied for 60-80 ms to determine
15 N R 1 r . The
g N B 1 /2
was calculated assuming that the entire chemical shift range
for amide backbone 15 N signals in diamagnetic proteins is
900 Hz (
15 ppm) at
61 MHz, which corresponds to sin
0.9. The spin lock duration was estimated
based on approximate 15 N R 2 of a folded 10-20 kDa protein at room temperature.
Although the highest measurement accuracy is obtained when data is recorded until
the magnetization decays sufficiently (typically for a time
y >
1/ R 1 r ), it may not
be possible to satisfy this condition for 15 N sites which relax slowly (as in unfolded
proteins or small peptides) without reducing B 1 which leads to a reduction in sin
> ¼
Errors in R 1 r resulting from off-resonance effects may be significant but can be
corrected. It is an advantage of the R 1 r experiment that, even when a signal is off-
resonance from the rf carrier frequency and for which sin
is small, an accurate R 1 r
value can be obtained using equation ( 1 ). Although the correction requires an R 1
value, this will be available when R 1 data is recorded to characterize fast backbone
dynamics using model-free analysis. As described above, the accuracy of R 1 r
measurements decreases for signals located far off-resonance. Compared to
CPMG R 2 that is described in Sect. 2.1.2 , R 1 r values do not need to be recorded
at different carrier-frequencies without discarding any data.
Cross-correlation interference by 1 H- 15 N dipolar interaction (DD) and 15 NCSA
hastobesuppressedtodetectaccurate 15 N transverse relaxation rates (Fig. 1 ). The
cross term is suppressed by flipping the sign of the DD term by applying 1 H180
pulses at a rate greater than the decay rate of the two 15 N- 1 H J-coupled components
[ 35 - 37 ]. However, in a weak B 1 field, the two J-coupled components undergo
Fig. 1 (a) 15 N-H dipolar and (b) 15 N CSA contribution to longitudinal and transverse relaxation
rates ( R 1 , and R 2 ) as a function of a correlation time. The rates were calculated assuming a simple
Lorentzian spectral density function, J (
2 ). Solid and dotted lines indicate rates
calculated assuming at 900 MHz and 600 MHz instruments, respectively
¼ t
/(1 +
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