Agriculture Reference
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Light soil Soil with predominantly sandy or silt-sized particles, and lacking clay
contents. Light soils have good drainage but poor water retention and are usually
deficient in plant nutrients compared to heavy soils.
Benzene hexachloride
Liner losses Another term for losses in plant material during the period these are
kept in standout beds, mother beds or seedbeds.
Lithophytic species Species of plants that grow on rocks and rocky soils.
Live hedge fence A fence made of thorny shrubs or trees closely spaced to form
into a hedge.
local species
Endemic species
Logistic overheads Overhead of work relating to procurement, transportation and
handling of materials, facilities, and personnel. These overheads can be magnified
significantly in case of inaccessible and distant site of work.
Loose-stone check dam
Check dam
Lopping Operation of cutting off branches or twigs of a tree with a view to harvest
leaves or to discard unnecessary and unwanted branches.
Low density polyethylene
High density polyethylene
Liquefied petroleum gas, often used as household cooking fuel.
Management information system A formalised procedure or set of procedures
for collecting, compiling, and processing of information relating to all aspects of a
project or an enterprise, and making appropriate decisions based on such information.
Nowadays, most processes of an MIS are automated through software running on a
Man-day A unit of economic value to measure costs incurred on labour. Its value
in terms of currency units may vary from place to place since labour is cheaper at
some places than others. However, it is convenient to work out model cost norms
and basic schedules of rates in terms of man-days so that these may be converted
to costs in terms of local currency when required. Economic analysis is facilitated
across national and regional boundaries when expressed in terms of this unit.
Man-day equivalent A unit of economic value expressed independently of a par-
ticular currency. Costs of materials and services not directly related to labour are
expressed in terms of man-day equivalents (abbreviated to mdeq in this topic). This
is equal to the worth of an average unskilled worker's wages for a day, such wages
being averaged over a large number of actual workers in different regions and sectors
of an economy.
Manure Bulky organic matter consisting of refuse of stables, barnyards, and animal
excreta with or without litter, used for enriching soil fertility and improving its
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