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population will consist of cooperator genotypes. With n q = 4 and n q = 5 there is obvi-
ously less opportunity for parasitism, and cooperators reach higher frequencies. How-
ever, then the system becomes more sensitive to the effects of spatial mixing; with
n q = 6 even at D = 0 successfully cooperating neighborhoods are disintegrated more
often than that they are formed or maintained, and cooperative behavior is no longer
Figure 1. Stationary genotype distributions of the QS-disabled set of simulations. Fixed parameters:
basic metabolic burden: M 0 = 100.0; metabolic cost of quorum signal production: m s = 3.0;
metabolic cost of quorum signal response: m r = 1.0; fitness reward factor: r = 0.9; mutation rates:
μ s = μ r = 0.0, μ c = 10 4 . Screened parameters: metabolic cost of cooperation (m c ), quorum threshold
(ne) and dispersal (D). Simulations lasted for 10.000 generations and they were initiated with the
“All-Ignorant” (csr) state.
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