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method (the tuple). In this arrangement, if a failure occurs the tuple being
anchored at the root of the tree would be replayed by the spout.
collector.ack : Here we are informing Storm that tuple has been processed
successfully by this bolt. In the event of a failure, the programmer can explicitly
call a fail method, or Storm internally calls it, as in the case of timeout events
so that it can be replayed.
declarer.declare : This is the method called to specify the stream on which
successfully processed tuples would be emitted. Notice that we have used the
same word stream in the _collector.emit method. Similarly, if you look
into the WordCount topology's Builder method, you'd find another piece in
overall integration of word stream, which is as follows:
builder.setBolt("count", new WordCount(),
12).fieldsGrouping("split", new Fields(" word "));
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