Database Reference
In-Depth Information
This section depicts various parameters Storm captures and displays at the topology level:
• Column one and column two display the Name field of the topology and the Id
field of topology, respectively.
• Column three reads the status of the topology, which is ACTIVE for a topology
that's executing and processing.
• Column four displays the uptime since the topology has been started.
• The next three columns display Numworkers , Num tasks , and Num executors ;
these are very important aspects for the performance of the topology. While tun-
ing the performance, one has to realize that just increasing the Num tasks and
Num executors field value may not result in greater efficiency. If the number of
workers is low, and we just increase the number of executors and tasks, then the
starvation of resource high because of the limited number of workers, so the topo-
logy performance will deteriorate.
Similarly, if we assign too many workers to a topology with not enough executors and
tasks to utilize all of them, we'd waste the precious resources by keeping them blocked
and idle.
On the other hand, if we have a high number of workers and a high number of executors
and tasks, the chances are that performance may degrade due to network latency.
Having stated these facts, I want to emphasize the fact that the performance tuning should
be done cautiously and judiciously to arrive at what number works for the use case we are
trying to implement.
The following screenshot captures the details about the supervisors, in terms of the statist-
ics, with the corresponding information:
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