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Cassandra cluster scaling - adding a new
Cassandra scales very easily, and with zero downtime. This is one of the reasons why it is
chosen over many other contenders. The steps are pretty straightforward and simple:
1. You need to set up Cassandra on the nodes to be added. Don't start the Cassandra
process yet; first, follow these steps:
1. Update the seed nodes in Cassandra.yaml under seed_provider .
2. Make sure the tmp folders are clean.
3. Add auto_bootstrap to Cassandra.yaml and set it to true .
4. Update cluster_name in Cassandra.yaml .
5. Update listen_address / broadcast_address in Cas-
sandra.yaml .
2. Start all the new nodes one by one, pausing for at least 5 minutes between two con-
secutive starts.
3. Once the node is started, it will proclaim its share of data based on the token range
it owns and start streaming that in. This could be verified using the nodetool-
netstat command, as shown in the following code:
mydomain@my-cass1:/home/ubuntu$ /usr/local/cassandra/
apache- cassandra-1.1.6/bin/nodetool -h
netstats | grep - v 0%
Not sending any streams.
Streaming from: /
my_keyspace: /var/lib/cassandra/data/my_keyspace/mycf/
my_keyspace-my-hf- 461279-Data.db sections=1
progress=2382265999194/3079619547748 - 77%
Pool Name Active Pending
Commands n/a
0 33
Responses n/a 0
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