Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The cluster can be accessed at http:/ /<hostip>:15672 (username: guest , pass-
word: guest ), if the UI is enabled.
Enabling the RabbitMQ UI
Perform the following steps to enable the RabbitMQ UI:
1. Execute the following command:
sudo /usr/lib/rabbitmq/bin/rabbitmq-plugins enable
2. The preceding command will result in the following output:
The following plugins have been enabled:
Plugin configuration has changed. Restart RabbitMQ
for changes to take effect.
3. Repeat the preceding steps on all nodes of the cluster.
4. Restart each node using the following command:
sudo service rabbitmq-server restart
5. Access the UI using the http://<hostip>:15672 link. The default user-
name and password is guest .
Creating mirror queues for high availability
In this section, we talk about a special kind of queues that guarantee high availability over
the RabbitMQ default queues. By default, the queues that we create are located on a single
node based on the order in which they are declared, and this can become the single point
of failure. Let's look at an example. I have a cluster of two RabbitMQ nodes, rabbit1
and rabbit2 , and I declare one exchange over my cluster, say, myrabbitxchange .
Let's say by the order of execution, the queue is created in rabbit1 . Now if rabbit1
goes down, then the queue is gone and the clients will not be able to publish to it.
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