Database Reference
In-Depth Information
use Python, it is a good idea to go through the Python section. The other
sections cover setup for Java and other Google developer frameworks
covered in the topic. Rather than installing all the tools at once, it is probably
better to come back to this section as required.
Python Libraries
In addition to the client tools, you need to install the Google API client
libraries for Python. To install the latest version, follow the instructions
python/start/installation . For general development you should
install the libraries using this method since it makes it easy to upgrade the
libraries and manage dependencies. However, for working on the examples
in this topic, it is simpler to install the zip file containing the code that
accompanies this topic that also includes the version of the libraries used in
the examples.
$ curl ${DOWNLOADS}/ -O
$ unzip cd
# To use the API libraries that are packaged with the
# Command assumes that you are currently in the
samples directory.
$ export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:$(pwd)/lib
The bigquery_e2e_samples directory contains all the samples organized
by chapter and directory with required libraries. The last command in the
snippet above can be used to set up your PYTHONPATH environment variable
to point to these libraries.
Java Libraries
If you are specifically interested in the sample Java code, chances are you
already have a working Java development environment
( ) . In
addition, you need the Java BigQuery client libraries. Unlike the Python
Google APIs client library, which is a single library for all the APIs, the Java
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