Database Reference
In-Depth Information
You will have the opportunity to try all the commands available in the client
over the course of the topic. This section covered sufficient ground to verify
that your client is correctly configured to access the project you can use to
try the examples in this topic.
Service Account Access
In the project setup step, you created a service account that is used as the
identity talking to BigQuery in most of the sample code. The advantage of
using service account authentication is that it doesn't require any user input,
just a private key. It may be useful to run the command-line client under the
service account identity to debug the samples or any other code you write
that uses these accounts. This section covers the credential setup for the
service account you created.
When you ran the client initialization command and stepped through the
authentication flow, you installed credentials for your Google account in
a configuration file saved on your machine. On Mac and Linux machines,
this file is $HOME/.bigqueryrc , and on Windows machines it is
%USERPROFILE%\.bigqueryrc . Try viewing this file in any text viewer,
for example:
$ cat $HOME/.bigqueryrc
project_id = 317752944021
credential_file = /Users/siddartha/.bigquery.v2.token
Remember that every invocation of the client can include global flags that
are specified before the command. This file is simply a list of global flags that
are applied by default at every invocation. Any flags that are repeated on the
command line override the default value specified in this configuration file.
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