Database Reference
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automatically selects that project as your default project for your operations
and finishes the setup process. If you have access to more than one BigQuery
project, it asks you to select a project from the list. You should choose the
project you created earlier in the chapter, which should be called BigQuery
Using the Client
You can always find out what operations are supported by bq by running:
$ bq
The output is a list of commands with a brief description of their purpose
and usage. Every bq command has the following general structure:
bq [global flags] < command > [command flags] [command
The global flags control options that apply across commands and affect
the overall behavior of the tool. They must appear before the command;
otherwise they are treated as invalid command flags. You can see a list of
these flags by running:
$ bq --help
You can get help on any specific command by running:
bq help < command >
Now start by using the client to inspect the contents of the project that you
were viewing in the web application. The command you need to use is ls ,
which applies across various collections in the service. The -p option is used
to list the projects you can access.
$ bq ls -p
projectId friendlyName
-------------- -------------------
317752944021 BigQuery Examples
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