Database Reference
In-Depth Information
shows the prompt to allow Tableau access to your data and shows the
Connect to Data” dialog box in the background.
4. After granting authorization, you'll be prompted for which table you'd
like to use. For this example, use the public Shakespeare table. Select
publicdata from the Project menu and samples as the dataset. You
can select Projects and Datasets from a list, but you need to type the
table name in manually. Type shakespeare for the table name and
press OK. It automatically creates a connector name to use for the table
based on the information you entered. Figure 13.5 shows the populated
connection dialog box.
5. After creating the connection, you see another prompt asking how you
want to connect to BigQuery. You should select the Connect live and
check the Always Do this For BigQuery box. This tells Tableau to leave
as much of the data as possible on the BigQuery servers. You almost
certainly want this option when dealing with large tables because the
other alternative is to download all your data locally.
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