Database Reference
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your data. This means you need to be careful with your key because if you
lose it, you'll lose access to your data irrevocably.
You might notice that ebq commands look a lot like commands in the
bq command-line client; this is because Encrypted BigQuery is an open
source fork of bq that adds in client-side encryption functionality. Although
researchers at Google wrote Encrypted BigQuery, it uses only publicly
documented interfaces. If you'd like to implement your own client-side
encryption, or expand upon what is done in ebq , it is relatively easy to
do so. You can check out the code or the official documentation at the
encrypted-bigquery-client/ .
Installing and Configuring
If you have Python setuptools installed, installing Encrypted BigQuery is as
simple as running the command:
$ easy_install encrypted_bigquery
Of course, nothing is ever that easy. If you're on a Mac, you might need
to prefix the command with sudo . You might also need to install XCode,
which is available from the Mac App Store. If you can't or don't want to use
easy_install , you can do a manual installation by following the steps at .
After you install Encrypted BigQuery, you can run the ebq command:
$ ebq --helpshort
Python script for interacting with BigQuery using
encrypted data.
USAGE: ebq [--global_flags] <command>
[--command_flags] [args]
Global flags:
--master_key_filename: The path of the file
containing the master key
to use in encrypting to use in encrypting table
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