Database Reference
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password. The good part is that you have to do it only once, when you
set up the DSN.
6. You'll be prompted to log in (if you're not already logged in) and asked
whether you want to allow access to your BigQuery data. After you
accept, you'll be given a code that you need to cut and paste into the
Confirmation Code box in the Connection dialog box. When you paste
in the confirmation code, it automatically fills in the refresh token. After
authentication, your Connector Setup dialog box should look something
like Figure 13.2 .
7. The last step in setting up your BigQuery connection is selecting a
project. The Catalog project will be the project that datasets and tables
will be drawn from; you'll have an opportunity to select the actual
datasets and tables later, but they all must come from this project. By
default, all queries you perform will be billed to this same project. If,
however, you want to read from a different project than you want
charged for the queries, you can set the Billed Project to something
different. These settings can also be overridden later, so you shouldn't
worry too much about what you set them to here.
8. Press Test to verify that the connection is working. It will pop up a
dialog box that lists the datasets in the catalog project—if this succeeds
it means that it could connect to BigQuery and authorize successfully.
Press OK to dismiss, and it takes you back to the Connector Setup dialog
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