Database Reference
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if they explicitly appear in the query. Currently BigQuery automatically
flattens a single repeated field appearing in the outermost SELECT clause.
As a consequence, query results never have repeated fields. If more than
one independently repeating field appears in the outermost SELECT clause,
BigQuery will reject the query rather than generate the cartesian product of
the repeating fields. If this is what you require you can explicitly FLATTEN
one of the repeating fields.
Repeated Field Functions
Almost all the functions in the query language operate the same way on
singleton and repeated fields. However, a couple of functions provided
specifically operate on or produce repeated fields.
NEST( field )
POSITION( field )
NTH(index, field )
LAST( field )
NEST is an aggregation function that is roughly the inverse of FLATTEN.
It must be used as a column in the SELECT clause together with a GROUP
BY clause. Currently, it is not particularly useful because BigQuery flattens
all top-level query results, so it will undo the work of a top-level NEST
expression. In addition, the ability to operate only on a single field
significantly limits its usefulness. In subqueries you will likely want to use
window functions instead of NEST , so we will not bother with an example of
its usage.
The rest of the functions take repeated fields as inputs. Keep in mind that
a field itself may not be repeated, but if any of the records in the path to
the field are repeated, then the field is treated as repeated. The functions
operate with respect to the scope specified by the WITHIN clause. For
example, in our application device log, POSITION(
WITHIN RECORD returns the index of the application in the list of
applications. As you have probably guessed, POSITION returns the position
of a value in a repeated field; NTH returns a value at a particular position in
the repeated field; and LAST returns the last element in the repeated field.
There is no FIRST because that is the same as NTH(1, field ) . All the
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