Database Reference
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In the relational database you would use an additional table,
WirelessNetwork , with a foreign key. The foreign key relationships of
Application and WirelessNetwork to PhoneLog are identical.
CREATE TABLE WirelessNetwork (
record_id CHAR(64),
ssid CHAR(32),
bssid CHAR(32),
connected BOOLEAN,
PRIMARY KEY (record_id, position),
Consider a query that determines the relationship between recent
applications running and the currently connected wireless network for a
given device.
wireless.ssid AS ssid, AS app,
COUNT(1) AS cnt
FROM PhoneLog
NATURAL JOIN Application running
NATURAL JOIN WirelessNetwork wireless
WHERE id = 'U7nHcz-7bKTu'
AND wireless.connected
AND running.importance_level > 300
GROUP BY ssid, app
ORDER BY ssid, cnt DESC
Simply dropping the NATURAL JOIN s does not yield a valid BigQuery
query. This is because of the restriction on the use of independently
repeating fields. The reason this restriction exists is to avoid inadvertent
data explosions. The double natural join generates the cartesian product
of records with a given log ID from the Application table with a set of
records with the same log ID in the WirelessNetwork table. The query
explicitly requests the cartesian product by including multiple joins. If
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