Database Reference
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With the Tables.get() method, you can see that the table has 42,522
>>> service.tables().get(
projectId=project_id ,
datasetId='reference' ,
If there were no STRING fields read by the query, the number of rows
would be enough to determine the number of bytes processed. However,
the state field has a variable length (it will be different in every row).
The number of bytes processed per row should be the length of the state
field plus 2 bytes, 8 bytes for the population field, and 1 byte for the
decommissioned field. The following query computes the cost by adding
up the field sizes:
>>> cost_query = """
SELECT state_len + pop_len + decommissioned_len FROM
SELECT SUM(LENGTH(state) + 2) AS state_len ,
8 * COUNT(population) AS pop_len ,
COUNT(decommissioned) AS decommissioned_len
FROM [bigquery-e2e:reference.zip_codes])
projectId=project_id ,
body={'query': cost_query}
This query returns the same value as the previous
totalBytesProcessed : 552,876—or just over one-half a megabyte. Of
course, running a query to compute how much a query costs is not
particularly efficient because that query will cost you money, too. What if
you want to find out how much a query will cost before actually running it?
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