Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 5.17 BigQuery HTTP Errors
Code Reason Description
400 invalidParameter One or more of the arguments you supplied
in the request was invalid.
400 parseError The JSON request you sent could not be
parsed correctly.
400 invalidQuery The BigQuery query you specified could not
be parsed correctly.
400 required Your request was missing a required field.
400 resourcesExceeded Your query required too many resources to
complete successfully. This can happen
when doing an ORDER BY on a large query
result, for example.
400 responseTooLarge Your query response was larger than 128
MB and you did not specify
allowLargeResults . Can also happen
when an intermediate calculation was too
401 authError Your Authorization header was invalid.
This does not mean that you tried to access
something you didn't have access to.
403 accessDenied You tried to perform an operation on a
resource that you weren't authorized to
access. For example, you tried to run a job
in a project without being a member of the
project team.
403 billingNotEnabled You tried to perform a BigQuery operation
that requires billing to be enabled.
403 blacklisted
You tried to perform an operation that is on
the blacklist. This can happen in rare
instances when queries or types of queries
are blacklisted to prevent the exploitation of
bugs in the system. If you see this error, it
should provide you contact information in
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