Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 5.8 TableData REST Collection
. . ./tables/<table_id>/
TableData.insertAll() . . . /tables/<table_id>/
TableData Resource
The TableData resource is the TableRow, which, at first, looks like an odd
collection of f and v lists. After you get familiar with it, it still looks like an
odd collection of f and v lists, but at least they make a little bit more sense.
Each row is a structure with one field f , containing a list of structures
that also have a single field, this time called v . The TableData rows use
the same format as query results that are returned by Jobs.query() and
Jobs.getQueryResults() and are modeled after the Google GViz
So what's with the f and v ? Why not have more idiomatic JSON with lists of
{"fieldName": "fieldValue"} ? The primary reason is compactness.
If you request a million rows and each row has the same field names, it is
highly redundant to specify the field names in each row. The names f and v
were also chosen to be as compact as possible, rather than something more
verbose like fields and value .
Schemas in BigQuery can be recursive. In the nested case, there will be a
nested f inside of a v .
The table data row format is described in Table 5.9 .
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