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like “latest,” because it enables running multiple versions side by side and
means that new versions can be added without breaking old ones.
The path to get to a REST object should mirror the object hierarchy. For
example, in BigQuery, tables belong to datasets, which belong to projects.
So the path portion of the URL to read table latest in dataset logs in
project bigquery-e2e looks like projects/bigquery-e2e/datsets/
logs/tables/latest . The pattern, as you may notice from the table
URL, is usually collection name / object name / sub collection
name / object name . Although it may seem redundant to pass the
collection name each time, it makes it easy to add new collections at various
levels of the hierarchy and can resolve ambiguity. In addition, the collection
names in the URL path serve as a way of self-documenting the URL, at the
expense of only a few bytes in the request.
The method portion of the URL is an optional component that tells
BigQuery what operation to perform. The method is not present in pure
REST requests because REST API calls specify the operation to perform
via the HTTP verb: GET , PUT , POST , DELETE , and so on. Some BigQuery
operations don't fit well in a REST model, so they use custom methods. An
example of this is the Jobs.query() operation, which is a shortcut for
inserting a job in the Jobs collection, waiting for the job to complete, and
reading the results. The path and method portion of the Jobs.query()
operation URL looks like projects/{ project ID }/query .
Operations that have a method name are often referred to as RPC methods
to distinguish them from pure REST calls. Some of them use HTTP GET , but
most of them use the HTTP POST verb because GET requests are supposed
to be nullipotent , meaning they do not change any state. Perhaps
surprisingly, the Jobs.query() RPC method is a POST for reasons that are
described in Chapter 7.
The final portion of the URL is the query string. This should not be confused
with a BigQuery query. The query string is used only for HTTP GET requests
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