Database Reference
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Errors encountered during job execution. Too many
errors encountered.
Limit is: 0.
Failure details:
- Too many columns: expected 2 column(s) but got 3
column(s). For
additional help:
The errors field is a list of problems that occurred while running the job.
These problems may or may not be fatal; like compiler warnings, they may
be ways to tell you something went wrong in case you want to deal with
it, but it didn't affect the outcome. The job may actually have completed
successfully (if so, the errorResult field will be empty) but the errors
list might still report errors.
An example of a successful job with the errors list populated is a job that
loads data from a CSV file but had a couple of bad rows (but still below
the maxBadRecords threshold). The following snippet shows an example
running the same load command as before, but with one bad record allowed,
which lets the job succeed. The errorResult field is not present; there are
warnings in the errors stream:
$ JOB_ID=job_$(date +"%s")
$ bq --job_id=${JOB_ID} \
load --max_bad_records=1 scratch.table1 temp.csv
Waiting on job_1394723344 … (25s) Current status: DONE
$ bq show -j --format=prettyjson ${JOB_ID}
"status": {
"errors": [
"location": "File: 0 / Line:1",
"message": "Too many columns: …",
"reason": "invalid"
"message": "Input contained no data",
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