Image Processing Reference
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2.5.2 Euclidean Hyperspheres
To compare the digital hyperspheres of various neighborhood sets with the
hyperspheres H E (r), r ≥ 0, of Euclidean norm in n-D, we note the following:
Definition 2.33. The Euclidean surface area, volume, and shape fea-
ture measures are given as follows:
V n (r)
{x : x ∈ Z n ,E n (x) ≤ r}
= L n r n
dr V n (r) = nL n r n−1
S n (r)
{x : x ∈ Z n ,E n (x) = r}
Surface Area:
(S n (r)) n
(V n (r)) n− 1
Shape Feature: ψ n
= n n L n
π ⌊n/ 2
L n =
⌈n/ 2 ⌉− 1
i =0
( 2 −i )
The comparison is quantified in terms of the following error measures:
Definition 2.34. The error measures between Euclidean and digital hyper-
spheres are defined as follows:
S n (r)−surf(N(·);r)
r n− 1
E S (N(·))
Surface Error:
lim r→∞
V n (r)−vol(N(·);r)
r n
Volume Error:
E V (N(·))
lim r→∞
Shape Feature Error:
E ψ (N(·))
ψ n
−ψ n (N(·))
V n (r) −vol(N(·);r)
Absolute Volumetric Error: A V (N(·);r)
A V (N(·);r)
V n (r)
Relative Volumetric Error: R V (N(·);r)
S n (r) −surf(N(·);r)
Absolute Surface Error:
A S (N(·);r)
A S (N(·);r)
S n (r)
Relative Surface Error:
R S (N(·);r)
Now we present expressions for surf(N(·);r) and vol(N(·);r) for various
neighborhood sets and compare these quantities against the Euclidean hyper-
spheres in the sense of the above error measures.
2.5.3 Hyperspheres of m-Neighbor Distance
First we explore the properties of hypersurfaces and hyperspheres of O(m)-
neighbor distance d n from [70]. We use the following notation:
S(m,n;r) =⇒ S(N(·);r), surf(m,n;r) =⇒ surf(N(·);r) and
H(m,n;r) =⇒ H(N(·);r), vol(m,n;r) =⇒ vol(N(·);r).
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