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For digital distances, these weights are integers. The weighted distances
are defined as follows in low dimensions:
In 2-D:
d 2 <a,b> (u,v) = a|u 1 −v 1 |+ (b−a)|u 2 −v 2 |
where a and b are positive integers and a ≤ b≤ 2a.
In 3-D:
d 3 <a,b,c> (u,v) = a|u 1 −v 1 |+ (b−a)|u 2 −v 2 |+ (c−b)|u 3 −v 3 |
where a, b, and c are positive integers and b≤ 2a, b ≤c and a + c ≤ 2b.
The advantage of such distances includes ease of computation by cham-
fering, simple functional form, and the ability to approximate the Euclidean
norm fairly accurately. In [37], Borgefors et al. present their chamfering al-
gorithm as the Weighted Distance Transform (WDT). They also prove
various interesting results for face-centered-cubic (FCC) and body-centered-
cubic (BCC) grids in 3-D.
2.3.4 Knight's Distance
In the game of chess, the move of a knight has been particularly interesting
because of its tricky and non-proximal nature. If a knight is placed in the cell
x ∈ Z 2 , then in the next step it moves to any of the eight possible cells y,
where (y−x) ∈N(Knight) = {(±1,±2),(±2,±1)} (Fig. 2.1), where the cost
δ is taken to be unity. The notions of Knight's path and path length naturally
The Knight's distance d Knight (u,v) [67] is defined as: ∀u,v ∈ Z 2 ,
d Knight (u,v)
max(⌈x 1 /2⌉,⌈(x 1 + x 2 )/3⌉) + (x 1 + x 2 )) if x= (1,0),(2,2),
−max(⌈x 1 /2⌉,⌈(x 1 + x 2 )/3⌉) mod 2
if x = (1,0),
if x = (2,2),
x 1 = max(|u 1
−v 1
|,|u 2
−v 2
|), x 2 = min(|u 1
−v 1
|,|u 2
−v 2
The distance between any two points is the number of steps taken to
trace a shortest path from one point to another. Hence, at every step on
a shortest path the larger coordinate (x 1 ) of x should be decreased by 2,
whereas x 2 should be decreased by 1. This indicates the need for the first term
max(⌈x 1 /2⌉,⌈(x 1 +x 2 )/3⌉) in d Knight , where the ceiling function is introduced
to get the integral number of steps. The second term in d Knight is due to a
parity correction necessary for the motion at the final step to be defined. For
two points, namely (1, 0) and (2, 2), such a function does not hold due to the
peculiar nature of the motion. Thus they are explicitly defined. The proofs of
the functional form and the metric properties of d Knight are given in [67].
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