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Example 2.6. Table 2.3 lists a number of MPTs. These follow from Theorem
2.1 and Corollary 2.1.
TABLE 2.3: MPT examples.
⌊x⌋,round(x) = ⌊x + 0.5⌋
ax b , a > 0 and 0 < b≤ 1
ax b , a > 0 and b > 0
x 2
1−exp(−mx), m > 0
mx, m > 0
m 1 x/(m 2 + m 3 x), m 1 ,m 2 ,m 3 > 0
ln(1 + x)
However, for a particular A and d, σ(d) may still be a metric. For example,
let σ = ⌊x⌋, A = R 2 , and d(x,y) = ⌈E 2 (x,y)⌉. Clearly, D(x,y) = σ(d(x,y)) =
⌊⌈E 2 (x,y)⌉⌋ = ⌈E 2 (x,y)⌉ is a metric even though ⌊.⌋ is not an MPT.
MPTs are combined to form new MPTs as the following lemma states.
Lemma 2.2. If g and h are MPT's, then g◦h, g + h and max(g,h) are also
Example 2.7. Using g(x) = ⌈x⌉ and h(x) = 1 − exp(−x), σ = g ◦ h =
⌈1 − exp(−x)⌉ is a normalized 0/1 approximation for any metric d. Since
∀x,y ∈ A, 0 ≤σ(d(x,y)) ≤ 1, we have
x = y
x = y.
Next we generalize by introducing MPTs with n arguments. Generalized Metricity Preserving Transforms (GMPT)
Definition 2.15. Let σ n : (R + ∪ {0}) n → R + ∪ {0} be a transforma-
tion which combines n metrics d 1 ,d 2 ,d 3 ,··· ,d n on A. Define D(x,y) =
σ n (d 1 (x,y),d 2 (x,y),...,d n (x,y)), ∀x,y ∈ A. σ n is a Generalized Metric-
ity Preserving Transforms or GMPT if D is a metric for every possible
choice of metric d i , 1 ≤i ≤n on any set A.
Theorem 2.2 [61] presents the GMPT condition by extending Theorem 2.1.
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